Hexalobular Screw

About this product

The Hexalobular Screw (#90148A0008), a quintessential component in Toyota's Body/Rear Body Guard Frame & Tail Gate, Body/Rear Body Side Panel, and Body/Rear Body Floor & Fender systems, plays a pivotal role in securing and stiffening these parts. This screw, featuring a hexalobular socket, affords an excellent torque transmission, thereby ensuring the firmness and stability of the fitted components while the vehicle is in operation. Over time, due to mechanical stress and environmental factors, the Hexalobular Screw (#90148A0008) may wear out and lose its ability to maintain a secure connection, resulting in rattling noises, and possibly causing the components to shift or dislocate. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are fully compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended. The Hexalobular Screw (#90148A0008) is vital to the overall safety and efficiency of the respective systems, providing a secure fastening that keeps every part in its place, contributing to the vehicle's stability and structural integrity.